Tuesday, July 08, 2008

DAY 5 and 6 in the Big Vegas house

Sunday was spent chilling out in the Laddies lounge while the bulk of Team Ladbrokes played day 1d.

Once again, Laddies players excelled as just about all of them seemed to progress to day 2. And the big boys were out in force today, although this is the only one I managed to video. Anyone recognise the Laddies player?


There was a hell of a lot of discussion about the table seating today. Bearing in mind there were probably 300 tables of 9 players, a rough estimate means that probably 1 in every 6 tables would contain a Ladbrokes player. Well, in one particular corner there were 6 tables (all next to each other) that contained TWENTY-EIGHT Ladbrokes players. One table had SIX of the 9 players wearing Laddies shirts. The seating arrangements are apparently completey random, but this was very peculiar...


A KK stroy from Radfar...
Kourosh had got a bit low (8k I think) and looked down at AQ. A raise from early position and two callers gave him the perfect chance to steal the lot, so he banged it obviously hoping to win it right there. The initial raiser called in a flash and the other two folded. They later said that they had folded AQ and AJ! Initial raiser turned over KK, but they lived up to their reputation by somehow failing to avoid the one remaining Ace in the pack and it's go go go go go go Kosh! :D

I finally caved in today and went for a corridor massage. I think what finally persuaded me was an offer from Mad Marty to go for a naked steam sauna with him the following day. The massage suddenly became quite attractive. As I sat leaning forward in the extremely comfortable contraption, I reached out and grabbed the masseur by the bollox explaining 'Now this isn't going to hurt us is it?" As it turned out, I think he definitely helped, although it may just be because he hurt every other part of me making me less aware of the lower back pain. I will definitely go back for another session before day 2 begins.

Day 5 evening started with a session with Girlwonder in whore's bar where we were soon joined by Sinbad. As the ME came to a close, we were joined by... well.. everyone and the Pina Collada's began to go down like a $10 treat from one of the late night attendees. The rest is a blur, but I know when I woke up on day 6 I could once again barely move. Everything-ache meant I had little choice but to stay in my room. As I write this on day 7, I have ventured out for breakfast and survived so hopefully tomorrow's day 2 will be without too much pain. I will of course be avoiding anything today which might cause problems.

The breakfast:
I decided to go for the buffet breakfast at $18. I would have cost me that for just the coffee if I had ordered it from the room, so as I didn't want to wander all over the hotel looking for a better offer, it seemed a valid choice. The queue for the till was 12 deep, but that's not a problem when all you have to do is hand over your room card right? Well, it is if the little old till lady has decided to wander over to another queue which seemed to be an ATM machine to help some old man that was struggling with the technology. As approx. 11 'managers' just stood watching the action, nobody attempted to take over the till and by the time she returned and got going again, it was a good 20 minutes before I got to the front of the queue. [^] I handed over my card to the little old lady and she responded with 'ID'. I asked wtf she wanted my ID for and she kind of hinted I might be a tramp who just found the room key. I said all I want is some breakfast, can I pay cash please. She replied 'yes, over there' and pointed to the queue that the little old man had now held up for 20 minutes. I trundled off to that queue and 10 minutes later, I was at the front. I followed the instruction to perfection but each time I put the $10 bill in, it threw it back out. The people behind were helping me and we tried every combination and changed the note 3 times. Again, the managers stood by watching and chatting to each other before one loud guy had had enough and shouted to them to come help. It's times like this I wish I wasn't so shy. The manageress came over, took one look at my notes and said 'you are using new notes. it doesn't take them'. Well how the ^&*%$^& am I supposed to know what is a new or old note ffs. She wandered off again and now I am becoming an American. "Well what am I meant to %^*&ing do then? You won't take my room card and now you won't take my notes". Luckily, the lady who had been helping me swapped notes for me. Incredibly, the machine now asked me 'Do you want to add a tip now or at the table?'. [:O] Are they taking the piss now or what? I stood at my allocated table and ordered every single drink. I then went to the buffet and piled up my plate to the roof with English, Chinese, Indian, food and topped the pile off with 12 muffins. I ate 3 sausages and a bit of scrambled egg and left it all. I felt a little better. [:o)]

Day 2a is today so I will venture down to the lounge to see if any of our lot are involved although I think most played days 1c and 1d, so will all be returning for 2b tomorrow.


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