Monday, June 30, 2008

VEGAS 2008

Preparations have not started too well.

I seriously damaged my back almost 2 weeks ago and had to spend the night in Winchester hospital. I have been very careful ever since and have been recovering bit by bit each day while dosed up with painkillers.

But with just a couple of days remaining I somehow managed to do it again. Of course there are those that always want to preach that I should be more careful, but in all fairness sitting on a toilet is one that is difficult to avoid, even for my infrequent bowel.

Luckily this event didn't cause my blood pressure to drop so low as to black me out or the result could have been far more embarrassing than the first episode.

Two days to go until the flight and I am in agony.

Have seriously considered calling the whole thing off as it is difficult enough just standing up. I have no idea how I am going to safely drive to Gatwick, how I am going to cope with luggage and how the hell I am going to get through the 11 hour flight couped up like a chicken. I just pray I am not in the seat with the kid behind who cannot resist kicking the chair in front as he thrashes the hell out of Ninjas on his PSP.

Have also looked at upgrading to premium economy, but I just can't see the extra space being worth an extra £1,100 for ONE way.

Ah well, gonna OD on painkillers for the day and see how it goes. So many things to do, so many things not done. And still only half way through writing the first chapter of my new book - HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE WSOP!