Friday, October 17, 2008

The bubble burst

As expected, the trend had to stop and it had to be today, the day I had my first session with my new mentor.

I got up nice and early, all refreshed and ready to go at 1pm. At 12:30, I was asked to put it back to 2:30. No problem at all, so I did a bit of yoga and got myself chilled and ready to go.

Half hour before the session, I had already been bashed about a bit but I don't let things like that get to me any more. Some pretty sick stuff that I could have done without before starting the session.

As for the session, I already knew that Manuel's style is to mainly watch and perhaps point out anything glaringly obvious. He then gets a good idea of you playing style and will use that to adjust and tinker with over time (that's how I understand it anyway). Nothing glaring was pointed out although I got the impression that I may have been overdoingit a bit with regard to position.

What tends to happen with me lately is that I pretty much disregard anything but premium hands in the blinds when facing a raise from anywhere but the button. Fold. If the raise has come from the button, I will rarely call with a marginal hand. It will be reraise or fold.

I was questioned on 2 occasions...

...once with AJ in the BB. Why did I fold it to a button raise. It was actually a cutoff raise, so I felt it was a little stronger than button and I explained I would be oop for the rest of the hand and wouldn't feel comfortable on anything but a JJJ flop! Manuel said a call might have been better.

... the other occasion was with ac2c to a 51% button raiser. I 3 bet and this guy with extremeley high 4 bet stats 4 bets almost as expected. I would actually have been tempted to push under normal circumstances and expect the button fold. But I let it go. Manuel said here that he would not have 3 bet, so I assumed he meant fold. He meant call.

So it seems I need to be a little less inventive from the blinds and think about calling a little more rather than the fold/raise which I will do with almost every marginal hand I get with quite a good success rate.

All in all, I felt pretty happy with the session with not too many 'wtf did you do that for' 's. The session ended $1,500 down which was pretty much due to some unfortunate hands and some rather daft plays before the session began.

Expecting a downturn in fortunes, I think I will probably give cash a miss this evening and look forward to the next session... but then again who knows!

Oct 17th -1,300

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thank God for cash

Well, my last cash report on 29th September, I had just had the most appalling session and put it all down to bad luck and that bad luck affecting my decisions.

Having taken the time to review that session, it has become even more evident that I played like a prick.

Killarney then took place and I have returned very much looking forward to learning more from Manuel the master.

At the same time, I have been playing numerous MTT for Bad Beat on ipoker and just don't think it is going to happen. Not only do I feel that the structure is not set up for good poker and seems to fly by but the beats are becoming commonplace and ridiculous now. I seem to be getting closer and am not too bothered about it as it will turn, but tonight losing AA to 77 approaching the money has made me think perhaps I should ask for money to be placed on Ladbrokes if only for the structure (I can take beats anywhere).

Ah well, cash has been going ok. I don't know if it is the effect of wanting to impress the new mentor, but I really feel like I am on my A game and finding it easy to take the decision to quit at the right time.

10th October +490
11th October +1,100
12th October +675
13th October +1,530
14th October +450
15th October +1,020
16th October +1,150

My first session with Manuel is tomorrow and I am looking forward to it before making my move to $5/10. No doubt the luck and trying new things out will give me a massive downswing but hopefully it will coincide with a change of fortune at MTT. :D

Friday, October 10, 2008

KILLARNEY in brief

Most people who read my blog will have already seen my reports on the forum at...

Laddies Forum

For those that haven't read it, my tournament can be pretty much summed up by one hand that would have put me top 20 from 860 initial starters. Luckily, the Lizardcam was on hand to record it as I am sure many are quite disbelieving at the horrendous luck I get at the hands of KK. On this occasion, I decided not to push pre-flop as this gives any AK type hand 5 cards to hit his ace. I really don't think it could have been played any better...

KK again!

Overall, the Killarney experience was absolutely fantastic. The location was superb, the events were superb, the hospitality of both the locals and Ladbrokes personnel was as expected... superb. And of course meeting up with old and new friends was as usual the best choice of holiday by far.

For a little idea of the locality, here are a couple of clips from the area...

Outside the hotels

The second lake

Back in the land of the living, I returned with a congratulatory message from Strummer to tell me I have been promoted to a new mentor - Manuel. As he is Strummer's mentor I am of course highly honoured and hopefully this is the next step to the dizzy heights I am aiming for. I don't feel that I am ready yet, but with the top man as mentor, surely I am at least on the correct ladder, albeit the lowest rung. Time will tell.

Saturday, October 04, 2008


I just want to update the earlier post where I felt I was being ignored on skype.

Although I only posted what I said to Strummer direct, I was having a particular bad day and becoming frustrated with poker and the feel of not being a 'team member'.

I have since found out that Strummer is not a great skype user and hadn't seen my messages because most of his contact is done on MSN.

I now have Rich on MSN and messages are responded to as expected with no delay.

My humble apologies and to anyone I needlessly slate in the future, my excuse is that the pills haven't kicked in yet! :D:D:D: